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R i v e r A v o n - W a s p e r t o n
The gate to the track leading to the river at Wasperton is now fitted with a combination lock. The combination is the same as College Pool and Snitterfield Reservoir.
See your membership book.
Leamington Angling's extensive holdings on this stretch of the Warwickshire Avon date back to the days when the Association was first formed in 1890. There can be few more picturesque areas of countryside than this section of the Avon Valley and with the fishing now returning to it's best, this is a superb venue at any time of the season.
June 2023 saw many fish deaths along the Avon and other waterways in the UK. The Environment Agency immediately started a restocking programme which is still ongoing. Over 20,000 chub, dace, roach, bream and barbel have been stocked at Wasperton.
We now need members to let us have their catch reports. Let us have details of what you catch, where and how. We are not only looking for big fish, small ones are just as important. Minnows, bleak etc are all part of the picture, speaking of which, a few photos would also be useful.
email Anthony
In the warmer summer months, caster and hemp works well for the better chub and roach, avoiding smaller fish, and tares often account for good roach. The waggler is best fished with the bulk shotting around the float and only a few number 8s or 10s down the line. Don't go too light on hooklengths (2.5 lb minimum) because your regular feeding will soon bring the bigger chub into your swim and five pounders are not uncommon.
The winter brings big changes to the river and the maggot is the favoured bait, with stick float or pole being employed to slow the bait down. Pinkies can be useful in a cold snap but a big piece of bread or luncheon meat, nailed to the bottom, can often lure those exceptional big fish. Barbel are now putting in an appearance at Wasperton and the wider sections on Wasperton 2 have some shoals of good bream.
TICKETS Leamington Angling Members only. No day tickets. Members may take one guest to fish by purchasing a guest ticket in advance HERE. Access to these waters is not permitted during the close season.
CLOSE SEASON All rivers are closed between 15th March and 15th June each year
ALL ANGLERS must have an appropriate landing net and unhooking mat.
NO BARBEL to be retained in keepnets.
TWO RODS per angler maximum.
CARP SACKS are not permitted
Live baiting is prohibited in all Association waters. The use of freshwater fish for bait is prohibited whether as live or dead bait. Using dead bait is permitted only from 1st October to March 14th. Pike fishing with lures is permitted at any time during the season. The use of a gaff is prohibited.
PARKING Park in the designated parking areas but do not obstruct gates or tracks. Important:- For anglers fishing the first meadow in Wasperton, please ensure that your vehicle does not obstruct access gates to the adjacent land. Leave plenty of room for a tractor and trailer.Park to the left of the oak tree(looking from the road), NOT like this....................................!!
Any pegs not included in a prebooked match are available for members to fish

Chris Hollick with a superb barbel from Wasperton


More baby Barbel being stocked at Wasperton.

How is it that even our river waters are well looked after? It doesn't happen by magic you know. Here are some of our dedicated work party who are out there come rain or shine, making swims fishable and car parks accessible. If you can help with the odd Sunday morning, contact Ian Clarke on 01926 316699
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